The deubiquitinase OTUD1 inhibits colonic inflammation by suppressing RIPK1-mediated NF-κB signaling. 2021,Cellular & Molecular Immunology(IF=22.096)
凯发k8国际产品:OTUD1, OTUD1 (C320S), OTUD1 (G430V)干扰慢病毒。研究领域:炎症。中国科学院微生物研究所、军事科学院军事医学研究院。
CLK1/SRSF5 pathway induces aberrant exon skipping of METTL14 and Cyclin L2 and promotes growth and metastasis of pancreatic cancer. 2021,journal of hematology & oncology(IF=23.168)
凯发k8国际产品:质粒、慢病毒Label-free 定量磷酸化蛋白质组学、转录组测序。研究领域:肿瘤。福建医科大学。
M2 macrophages, but not M1 macrophages, support megakaryopoiesis by upregulating PI3K-AKT pathway activity. 2021,Signal transduction and targeted therapy(IF=38.104)
凯发k8国际产品:Akt1 干扰和过表达慢病毒。研究领域:心血管。北京大学人民医院、北京大学。
GOLM1 restricts colitis and colon tumorigenesis by ensuring Notch signaling equilibrium in intestinal homeostasis. 2021,Signal transduction and targeted therapy(IF=38.104)
凯发k8国际产品:Golm1 干扰慢病毒。研究领域:肿瘤。北京协和医学院。
HIF-1α-induced expression of m6A reader YTHDF1 drives hypoxia-induced autophagy and malignancy of hepatocellular carcinoma by promoting ATG2A and ATG14 translation. 2021,Signal transduction and targeted therapy(IF=38.104)
Interaction between HLA-G and NK cell receptor KIR2DL4 orchestrates HER2-positive breast cancer resistance to trastuzumab. 2021,Signal transduction and targeted therapy(IF=38.104)
凯发k8国际产品:Luciferase 慢病毒。研究领域:肿瘤。空军军医大学。
A novel inactivated whole-cell Pseudomonas aeruginosa vaccine that acts through the cGAS-STING pathway. 2021,Signal transduction and targeted therapy(IF=38.104)
AGR2-dependent nuclear import of RNA polymerase II constitutes a specific target of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma in the context of wild-type p53. 2021,Gastroenterology(IF=33.883)
凯发k8国际产品:CRISPR/Cas9 AGR2基因敲除慢病毒(GV392)、突变型表达质粒(OLR2AY1177A, AGR2ΔNLS、 AGR2ΔSP。研究领域:肿瘤。南京大学医学院附属鼓楼医院、德国慕尼黑工业大学。
The circACTN4 interacts with FUBP1 to promote tumorigenesis and progression of breast cancer by regulating the expression of proto-oncogene MYC. 2021,Molecular Cancer(IF=41.444)
凯发k8国际产品:circACTN4 过表达慢病毒(CV146);circACTN4 干扰慢病毒(GV344);USF2, FUBP1, FIR和ACTN4过表达质粒(GV146)及干扰质粒(GV102)。研究领域:肿瘤。重庆医科大学。
KDM6A-ARHGDIB axis blocks metastasis of bladder cancer by inhibiting Rac1. 2021,Molecular Cancer(IF=41.444)